Saturday, July 09, 2005
Happy Summer Days
We took a couple of pictures in the back garden. The weather is just glorious :~D
This first pic is of Chris and his best friend (my Alsatian) Belle.

In this picture Courtney has found an ants nest that was uncovered by "somebodys" small feet kicking a couple of stones off the border.. LOL
Here are my 2 angels, Courtney and Kyle. Seriously, wherever Kyle is, Courtney is never far behind and she's forever copying everything he does. Sometimes that's a good thing, most times it isn't ;~)
In this pic, Kelsey is trying to get Courtney to let HER use the slide. Of course, Courtney promptly tells her she's too big... hehehe.
After sliding down, Courtney says "Mum, I'm glad you don't cut the grass in this bit of the garden, if you did I would probably hurt my bum!"

Well, that's all for now. Gotta get these kids ready to go to their nans, and then I'm REALLY going to enjoy the sunshine. I'll probably sleep in the back garden and get burnt to a crisp, but sun is sun and we don't get enough of it here. Best to make the most of it while we've got the chance.
Gorgeous photos you have there.
It is great to see your family is coping so well. Thanks again for your perspective.
Warmest regards,
Hoe Bing