Friday, June 16, 2006
Another Glorious Day Of Sunshine
We did have the pool in the front garden at first, but it totally wrecked the lawn so we put it in the back garden. Unfortunately the back is extremely uneven, so it didn't quite work as well as planned, and ended up a tad lop-sided LOL.
The only non-fun part about the heat is that Kyle tends to get over-heated and hot and bothered, so we have to constantly think up new ways to combat that. Usually it has to do with water, and this year we made up a new 'game': We hang the hosepipe on the washing line and set it to shower! hahaha, the kids LOVE running through the water whenever it gets too hot for them, and the grass gets a greatly needed drink at the same time ;~)
We took a few pics in the back garden today of Kyle and his puppy Sherbert (she's a 6 month old crossbreed, Alsatian and Rottweiler and totally dippy LOL) enjoying the weather. Sherbert even joined Kyle in the pool which was just hilarious for us onlookers :~D

In this picture Kyle is finally warming up again after being totally soaked, and as you can probably tell by the huge grin he's feeling great!
Sherbert had just been for a walk with Christophers friends and came back hot and botherered but ran to say Hi to Kyle as soon as she got home. These two are just about inseparable.
This final pic is of Sherberts first time ever in the pool. As you can see, I wasn't lying about it being a bit lop-sided hahahahaha
Wel, that's it for this time. Kyle is now in bed and hopefully dreaming of all the fun he's had today. He was pretty worn out so hopefully he'll sleep past 6am in the morning ;)
Until next time....
The reason it's so green here is cos we get so much rain most of the time LOL
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