Sunday, July 23, 2006
I'm Crying (rightclick to open in new window)
I'm crying because it is SO true. Living with an ADHD child IS very exhausting but also very rewarding. I'm not in a fit state to say any more, so go on, scoot over and read the poem for yourself and let me know what you think.
thanx for visiting me! i'll definitely be stopping by here again!
as you may have noticed my darling ADDer is 15, and the teenage hormones mixed with ADHD are SO much fun (NOT... LOL)!
i wish i'd found blogging years ago- but i've only been going for a little over a year! it's been a big help to damien and i- in terms of coping with his disorder...
And Tammy, I can't imagine how hard it must be with more than one ADHD kid in the house. My place is constantly trashed, thank god my Fiance ENJOYS housework hahahaha!